Selected writings, presentations, projects
Academic writing
2016: Golf View Neighborhood Infrastructure Studio
2015: The Magic that Makes the Whole: Design Research and the Creation of Preferred Futures
2014: After the Deluge: Reimagining Leonardo’s Legacy
2007: The Green Braid: Towards and Architecture of Ecology, Economy, and Equity, Environmental Architectures and Sustainability: A Taxonomy of Tactics, Networked Ways of Knowing
2006: Playing Crazy: Dressed Yards and the Performance of Community
2002: Playing Crazy: Serendipity and Settlement in Gainesville Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street Neighborhood
2000: The Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research 1994-2000
1996: Architectural Frontiers: Drawing on the Capacity to Endure Cognitive Dissonance, Baker’s Loos and Loos’s Loss: Architecting the Body, Reading the Body Littorally: Wet Areas
1995: Timebleeds
1992: Releasing the Form to the Making: Womenswork is Never Done, Scale Problems,
1991: Technology and Play: The International Style in Yunnan, China
1990: The Production of Notational Objects
Popular writing
2022: City commissioners seeking to disrupt Gainesville’s settlement patterns in random, unpredictable ways, Experiences of Gainesville residents not being considered in urban design decisions, Concessions being made to developers hurt Gainesville residents
2021: Despite aging infrastructure, Gainesville is in better shape than many cities, Gainesville is starting to resemble Houston in its lack of comprehensive planning, Do we need a silver bullet or ‘little bets’ to address affordable housing?, Gainesville is being developed for temporary residents at expense of permanent residents, City Planning, Fast and furious, From density to abundance, How might we design a more walkable Gainesville?
2020: Erasing Gainesville’s Spirit
2019: Neighbors and forests—the value of soft infrastructure, City actions with development speak louder than words
2018: Abandon GNV Rise, Replace ‘either/or’ with both/and’ in Gainesville
2016: Don’t make Gainesville generic, UF must complete the east-side puzzle, A New Narrative for a New Time, Infrastructure De-familiarized, Infrastructure Inverted: Every Home a Power Plant, The Soft Infrastructure of Community
2014: The Practical Imagination: An Introduction to the Other 50%
2013: Design and Health
2012: The Need for a National Academy of Environmental Design
2008: Nine Forms of Architectural Intelligence?, Design is the New Black, Leadership and Cool, Research, Innovation, and the Culture of Studio
2007: What is the Nature of Architectural Knowledge?, How Can the Design Disciplines Better Serve the Public?
1997: Gainesville’s Pleasant Street
2022: The Design of OUR City: Gainesville Florida 2022
2020: Green, small, caring
2019: Housing Gainesville: Confronting the challenges of affordable housing in a university city
2016: Golf View Neighborhood Infrastructure
2014: The Production of Notational Objects: Design through Delay
2013: Practical Imagination, an A-School Retreat
2011: Architectural Education as a Means to Informed Positive Change
2010: Design Thinking for a Clean Tech Future
2003: Fifth Avenue Corridor Presentation
2004: Spatial Stories for the Eighth Generation, One Hundred Forty Years of African American History
2001: Depot Area Master Plan 2001
1999: Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street Master Plan