
Academic writing

After the Deluge: Reimagining Leonardo’s Legacy, Architectural Frontiers: Drawing on the Capacity to Endure Cognitive Dissonance, The Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research 1994-2000, Baker’s Loos and Loos’s Loss: Architecting the Body, Environmental Architectures and Sustainability: A Taxonomy of Tactics, Golf View Neighborhood Infrastructure Studio, The Green Braid: Towards and Architecture of Ecology, Economy, and Equity, The Magic that Makes the Whole: Design Research and the Creation of Preferred Futures, Networked Ways of Knowing, The Production of Notational Objects, Reading the Body Littorally: Wet Areas, Releasing the Form to the Making: Womenswork is Never Done, Playing Crazy: Dressed Yards and the Performance of Community, Playing Crazy: Serendipity and Settlement in Gainesville Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street Neighborhood, Scale Problems, Technology and Play: The International Style in Yunnan, China, Timebleeds

Popular writing

Abandon GNV Rise, Design and Health, Don’t make Gainesville generic, Erasing Gainesville’s Spirit, How Can the Design Disciplines Better Serve the Public?, Design is the New Black, Gainesville’s Pleasant Street, Infrastructure De-familiarized, Infrastructure Inverted: Every Home a Power Plant, Leadership and Cool, A New Narrative for a New Time, Nine Forms of Architectural Intelligence?, The Need for a National Academy of Environmental Design, The Practical Imagination: An Introduction to the Other 50%, Replace ‘either/or’ with both/and’ in Gainesville, Research, Innovation, and the Culture of Studio, The Soft Infrastructure of Community, UF must complete the east-side puzzle, What is the Nature of Architectural Knowledge?,


Architectural Education as a Means to Informed Positive Change, Design Thinking for a Clean Tech Future, Fifth Avenue Corridor Presentation, Golf View Neighborhood Infrastructure, The Production of Notational Objects: Design through Delay, Practical Imagination, an A-School Retreat,


Depot Area Master Plan 2001, Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street Master Plan, Spatial Stories for the Eighth Generation, One Hundred Forty Years of African American History


Following in the footsteps of Silent Witnesses