

Each of these iPhone photographs captures a unique moment, when sunlight and shadow are cast across a drawing in a way that “speaks to” the composition of the drawing itself. The drawings, from the “Perturbed Fields” series, are done in graphite on Strathmore paper, and made of layers of lines and scribbles that, accumulating over time, suggest a field of flows. They begin with an initial graphical “dowsing” gesture, and are built slowly over one or several sessions. Sometimes, as light, reflections, and shadows enter the studio, another image emerges. Other times, in the process of fixing the drawings out of doors, shadows of trees, leaves, or other things move unexpectedly across the surface. The time of day and the time of year influence the color, direction, and intensity of each photograph’s light.

The term “reciprocities” reflects the reciprocal nature of the photographic image—part consciously elaborated and part unexpectedly complemented by the ever-changing forces of nature.

iPhone photographs. Size varies